Do you want to get the shopee preferred badge? To get this shopee preferred badge, you have to meet all the requirements. Do you want to know more about it? Let’s read this article.
What Is a Preferred Seller On Shopee?

Have you ever bought things from shopee preferred seller Malaysia? If yes, you must know there are Shopee badges for Shopee sellers. The badge will depend on the seller’s performance. There are 4 different types of Shopee sellers such as no label sellers, overseas sellers, preferred sellers and also shopee mall sellers.
In this article, we will discuss preferred sellers on Shopee. What does preferred seller mean? Shopee Preferred seller means the badge that is given by shopee for the seller with great sales and great customer services. Not all sellers can get this badge, only the one who fulfills all the criteria might get this badge. This shopee preferred seller will help you to gain your customer’s trust.
When you are given the preferred badge, it can be seen in your shop profile and username and you will be in the list of shopee preferred sellers. Many people were curious and asked are shopee preferred authentic? And yes, when you receive the preferred seller badge it means you are a trusted seller and your product listings will be tagged with “Shopee 100% Authentic Guarantee”.
This tag means that you are trusted and will not sell counterfeit products. Once you sell the counterfeit products, you will need to return the customers back. This preferred seller tag will appear on your product listings and display.
So what is the difference between shopee preferred vs mall? Many people are confused about Shopee preferred and Shopee mall. For your information,Shopee Preferred is different from Shopee Mall. Preferred sellers are the Shopee seller with the preferred pin badge that can only be given once the sellers meet all the criteria. Shopee Mall meaning is the marketplace selling the branded products.
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Read also: 8 Steps to Do Mass Shipping Shopee Malaysia, Easy!
The Benefits to Be a Preferred Seller on Shopee
Joining the list of shopee preferred seller Malaysia will give you benefits. Are you curious what benefits you will get? Here are shopee seller benefits you need to know.

The first benefit is that you will be marked as a trusted seller. This means it will be easier for you to get your customer’s trust. By getting the preferred sellers badge, you will be more trusted by your customer and will not doubt when buying things in your shop.
Boost Up Your Shop Search Ranking

When you get the preferred badge, your shop search rank will be increased automatically. This means your shop will be easily found out by just typing your shop username in the search page.
Attract More Buyer With Shopee Coin Reward
Another benefit you can get is you can get your customers’ attention by giving your shop voucher discount or cashback in coin reward that can be used in the next shopping.
Have an Exclusive Access to Shop Ads
Other benefits you will get is exclusive access to shop ads. You can use these shop ads to help you promote your business and its product. Here are the benefits of using Shop Ads.
- Increase the shop exposure.
- Grow sales.
- Increase your shop traffic.
- Improve conversion rate.
Get a Selling Coach
You will get a selling coach once you become a preferred seller. This selling coach really helps you identify your business like your business strategy, understand your competitors, help to improve your conversion and many more.
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Read also: 5 Complete Guides How to Open Seller Account in Shopee MY
Shopee Preferred Seller Criteria

Many people are confused whether Shopee preferred and Shopee mall are the same? Actually Shopee Preferred is different from Shopee Mall. Shopee Preferred sellers are the Shopee seller with the preferred pin badge which you can get if you meet all the requirements. While Shopee Mall is an exclusive marketplace Malaysia where branded products are sold.
How to get preferred seller tag on Shopee? You can get a Shopee badge when you fulfill all the requirements. Here are the requirements you need to fulfill such as:
- Have strong sales record.
- Offer a great customer service by answering the buyers’ chat and queries quickly.
- Ship all your orders quickly.
- Have a clean record and comply all the Shopee’s seller policy.
- Have a good shop and product ratings.
How to Be a Preferred Seller On Shopee?
If you want to be a preferred seller, you need to fulfill all the requirements mentioned above. Your shopee preferred seller denied when you do not fulfill all the criteria.
How to join the prefered seller program? Not all sellers can join this preferred seller program, Shopee will be the one that informs whether you are available to join this program or not. You will receive a notification to join the preferred seller program once you have met all the requirements.
Once you receive the notification, you need to click the notification and you will be directed to the page where you need to submit your data such as Identification Card number, your photo when holding your Identification card. Then submit
After you have submitted all your data, Shopee are going to review the application and If your data verification is successful, you will be automatically onboarded as shopee preferred seller within a week.
But if your data verification is not successful, you will be asked to re-upload your data again. So that you have to make sure that you submit the clear identity card and your name, id card number and your id photo are readable.
Is It Possible to lose the Preferred Seller badge? And the answer is yes. You will lose your preferred seller status when your performance goes down. So to maintain your preferred seller badge, you need to keep monitoring your sales and performance.

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Not all sellers can get the preferred seller badge but once you get it, you need to keep your performance to maintain the preferred seller status. Once your performance goes down, you might lose your status too. Shopee will inform you of the warning notification when your performance goes down.
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