Google Ads is the most popular PPC and Internet advertising platform. You can choose many ad formats types provided by Google Ads. All of these different ad types can be a touch overwhelming for marketers. What are ad formats? In this article you will know everything about the Goppcogle Ads PPC format.
Read also: What Is Pay Per Click Advertisement And How It Works
What is the Format Used in Google Ads?
The text ads that appear alongside Google search results are just one type of Google ad formats you can create with Google Ads.
Each ad format has its advantages, from the ease and accessibility of delivering a text ad to the colorful storytelling that accompanies the videos. You can serve more than one type of ad from the same Google Ads account, and in some cases, from the same campaign.
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Format used in Google Ads, such as text, responsive where you can adjust Google ads format size, image, app promotion, video, product purchase ads, call only ads.
Ad format examples are some campaign types that only show ads on mobile, such as app promotion campaigns and call-only campaigns.
Read also: What is Google Ads and the Reason Why You Should Use It
What is the Difference between Google Ads and PPC?
Pay per click or PPC is a type of advertising where the advertiser pays per click on an ad. PPC isn’t specific to Google Ads, but it’s the most common type of paid campaign. Google Ads is the most popular Internet and PPC advertising platform.
Google Ads (Google AdWords before)is a paid advertising platform that is part of a marketing channel known as PayperClick (PPC), where you (the advertiser) pay per click or per impression (CPM) for an ad.
Types of Google Ads Campaigns?
There are five Google Ads type list and see how you can use them to advertise your business.
Google Search Ads
Google search ad formats are text ads that you see on Google’s search results pages (SERPs). This type is ideal for sitting in front of people who are ready to buy.
The fact that your advertising campaign is displayed in the top or bottom of the SERPs depends on the price of your bid. The more you bid, the better your visibility will be.
Display Ads
Display ads are image-based and allow you to target people who are likely to be interested in your products but aren’t yet looking.
In general, you can see display campaigns while browsing your favorite websites. However, they can also be viewed in your Gmail account, applications, or videos.
This type is ideal to reach your potential customers early in the buying cycle and increase your brand awareness.
Video Ads
Your video ad campaigns will be placed before, during or after YouTube videos and in search results.
This type is best for presenting your product or service to a relevant audience. Video ads let you target demographics and your audiences based on age, gender, and interests.
Shopping Ads
Google Shopping ads are product-based ads. They are displayed specifically for product searches on Google.
Shopping ads show a picture of a product along with the product title, price, business name, and reviews. Basically, they provide buyers with important information about the product before they even visit an online shop.
App Ad Campaigns
This type is ideal for creating ads to promote the installation of your application or to take a specific action within it.
Unlike other types of Google Ads, you don’t need to create individual ads for app campaigns; your ads are created for you automatically. Enter text, a starting bid and an offer as well as your campaign languages and locations.
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It is Google, someplace with over 259 million specific site visitors and 4.8 billion each day interactions. Given Google’s expansive reach, chances are you’ve seen (and probably clicked on) a Google ad and so have your potential customers.
Best practice: Google Ads Bidding Strategies for Malaysian Market
Once you’ve set up your ad campaigns and have tracking in place, it’s time to start bidding. Remember, your ability to rank in Google Ads depends on how you bid. While your bid amount will depend on your budget and goals, there are a few strategies and bid settings you should be aware of when launching your paid campaign.
You have two options when it comes to bidding on your keywords, automated or manual bidding.
Automated Bidding puts Google in the driver’s seat and allows the platform to adjust your bid based on your competitors. You can still set a maximum budget, and Google will work within a range to give you the best chance at winning the bid within those constraints.
Manual Bidding let’s you set the bid amounts for your ad groups and keywords, giving you the chance to reduce spending on low-performing ads.
The other strategy is bidding on branded search terms. Branded terms are those with your company or unique product name in them.
You can set a Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) instead and only pay when a user converts into a customer if the idea of spending money to convert prospects into leads makes you uneasy. While this bidding strategy could cost more, you can take comfort in knowing that you only pay when you acquire a paying customer.
Part 1: The Anatomy of an Internet Ad
What are the universal components of an ad? These include parts like headlines, descriptions, CTAs and others.
Also known as the ad title or ‘Headline 1’, ad viewers are first drawn to this component. Headlines have the very demanding responsibilities of attracting attention and enticing a consumer to click and explore more.
Ad title will attract attention from your desired audience(s), create an emotional response, highlight the critical and relevant selling point(s) of your product/service, and many more.
The job of a sub-headline is to add more context and understanding to the headline and reinforce your brand message. Not every ad will include a sub-headline, or ‘Headline 2’.
Ideally, your sub-headline will help ad viewer’s transition from the headline text into the body copy. Alternatively, it can assist your headline in achieving each item on that objective list.
Body or Description
The body of your ads is longer than your headlines, which means you have more space to sell yourself to consumers.
With their attention already drawn, the objectives shift. Descriptions need to reinforce the benefits mentioned in the headline by adding more details.
Descriptions need to be active and just as compelling as your headlines. Even though you have more space, using generic language or including non-value-added details will detract from your ad experience.
URL and Landing Pages
The final piece of your ad structure puzzle is the URL link that sends shoppers to your landing page. Google asks for a display URL (what the URL will look like to ad viewers) and the physical address of the landing page.
The display URL needs to be short, clean and straightforward. Consumers are less likely to click an ad with a long link because it can come across as untrustworthy or spam.
Your display URL should be a short link right from the root of your homepage, such as
Part 2: Google Ads Networks And Format Types Overview
It is time to begin exploring all of the Google Ads format types that marketers can use to advertise their products to customers.
Google separates its ad platform into two networks: Google Display Network and Google Search Network.
The Google Search Network is the primary ad network on the platform. When someone completes a search on Google, part of the results are sponsored ad content. This is the work of the Google Search Network. Advertisers bid on search keywords that trigger the ads when Google users search for these terms.
Google Display Ads appear on other Google sites that have partnered through the Google AdSense program.
Google AdSense is the other side of Google’s advertising coin. It is where websites allow Google to publish ads on their pages. This permits marketers to place ads on thousands of the Internet’s most popular sites.
Part 3: Google Search Network Ad Format Types
The Google Search Network is where most marketers start their Internet advertising journey. Let’s start with ad format types on the Google Search Network.
Text Ads
Text Ads is a basic text ad consisting of at least one ad title or headline, a display URL and up to two short descriptions and provide you up to three headings and two descriptions at maximum.
The first two headline fields are required, while the third is optional. The extra headline field allows you to include additional text in your ads. Google ads character limit tool allows 30 characters headlines and 90 characters descriptions.
Text Ads with Ad Extensions
There are many different types of ad extensions, such as Call/Message extensions, Location extensions, Sitelink extensions, Callout extensions, Price extensions, Affiliate Location extensions, Structured Snippet extensions, and many more.
Adding more relevant information to your ads can significantly raise the quality of your ads and improve your click through and conversion rates for higher Quality Scores and more successful campaigns.

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Call-Only Ads
Call-only ads are mobile-specific ads that directly focus on encouraging search users to call your business. They only appear on mobile devices that are capable of making a call.
Users that click a call-only ad are not brought to your website. Instead, the phone app on their device opens and begins making a call to the number you have provided.
If you are using call-only ads, it is crucial that you turn on call reporting. This creates a Google Forwarding Number (GFN) that you can access to find details about your calls. Conversions are recorded when the call reaches the duration that you’ve set.
Dynamic Search Ads
Dynamic search ads aim to lighten these pressures by automatically targeting keywords that relate to your business and generating ad components from the content that exists on your website.
If someone searches a term that Google deems is relevant to your site, the dynamic search ad format will generate an ad experience that relates to that search. This helps maintain a consistent ad experience from the headline to the landing page
Product Shopping Ads
Product shopping ads appear when a Google user does a search that has clear shopping intent or directly relates to one of your products. This ad format type shows an image of the product, a title, the price of the item and your store/business name.
Shopping ads will display differently based on device type. The above screenshot is taken from a desktop computer. Similar to text ads, search users are brought to your website after they’ve clicked the shopping ad.
Showcase Shopping Ads
Shopping Showcase Ads are an expanded version of normal product ads that create a scrolling lineup of your items. Instead of listing a single product, search users can browse a more extensive range of your offerings.
By grouping related products, you create the opportunity for consumers to explore your entire lineup. This ad style is ideal if you offer a lot of different products within a single category.
App Promotion Ads
As an app advertiser, you want to get your app into the hands of more paying users. So, how do you connect with those people? App promotion campaigns streamline the process for you, making it easy to promote your apps across Google’s largest properties.
Part 4: Google Display Network Ad Format Types
The Google Display Network is the second category of ads that display on websites owned by Google or affiliated through their AdSense program.
Text Ads
Text ads can also appear on the display network. There are not many differences between a display text ad and a search text ad.
The big change is that the character limits will differ depending on where and how the ad is being displayed. This means that there is a good chance that your headlines and descriptions will be shortened. You’ll want to put the best information first.
Rich Media Ads
Rich media is a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content. The ad can expand, float, etc.
Using HTML5 technology, the ads can include multiple levels of content in one placement: videos, games, tweets from an ad, etc. If you have a simple objective to generate clicks or a more ambitious goal to create brand awareness, rich media is the format to go with.
Image Ad
The Display Network is largely founded on the power of visual ad formats, such as images and videos. Image ads allow you to upload your own branded visuals to make a stunning, aesthetic advertisement.
Ads can be either static or use HTML5, GIF or Flash formats to create animated, interactive marketing messages that pop up on websites all over the Internet.
Video Ads
Video ads are the most attractive and compelling type available to marketers. These ads will primarily show up on YouTube, Google’s video streaming platform. It’s also the best video sharing site on the Internet with almost 2 billion active users each month.
Responsive Ads
Responsive ads automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. So a single responsive ad may appear as a small text ad in one place and a large image ad in another.
The text ads that appear alongside Google search results are just one type of Google ad formats you can create with Google Ads. There are five Google Ads types. It is Google search ads, display ads, video ads, shopping ads, and app ad campaigns.
It’s essential to understand how your Google Ads costs will be affected by your settings, not only for the sake of your budget but for how well your ad performs in front of your ideal audience.
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