This feature support to handle the refund/return request in Ginee currently support for Shopee, Lazada and Tiktok


When buyer apply the refund request, the order will go to  refund list.

Seller can choose whether want to process the refund request in “Pending” tab. Click “Accept” to start handle refund request, or click “Reject” and write the rejection reason to directly reject the refund request.

For order in dispute will go to “In Dispute” tab, and seller can “Accept Refund” or “Reject Refund”

After the dispute is processed, the order will go to “Finished” or  “Closed” tab.

Return & Refund

After buyer request to refund and return the product, the order will go to  Return & Refund List.

The seller can choose whether want to start processing return & refund request in the pending tab. Click “Accept” to start processing and the order will go to “Processing”. If seller click “Reject” the order will go to “In Dispute” tab.

For order in dispute tab, it require the review from seller center PIC to process the request.

For order in “Processing” tab, seller can perform “Return Inbound” operation. When the return inbound order is completed, and the seller already received the product back and agree to refund, the order will go to “Completed” tab.


  • Currently Shopee only support to accept refund, accept refund & return and perform return inbound. Does not support for rejection.
  • Lazada & Tiktok support accepting refund, accepting return & refund, rejecting refund, rejecting return & refund and perform return inbound.