In this day and age, many sellers are facing difficulties handling multiple stores on online platforms. They spend almost half a day managing their online products, processing their latest orders, creating a picking list, handling packing, dropping off their delivery goods and so on. These activities make the seller’s life too busy and stressful.
Ginee Malaysia is the best solution for the problems. Ginee Omnichannel helps to manage multiple online stores all in one. Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia has many features that can solve the problems. These features help the seller to save their cost, time and energy.
What Is Ginee Malaysia?
Ginee Malaysia can assist merchants with the integration of all goods and orders into a Ginee Dashboard throughout all the Platforms. Merchants need just log their e-commerce seller account with their Ginee Dashboard from Marketplace to manage items, stocks, orders, and buyers on all channels using a single platform named Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia.
ERP system is a type of software used by businesses to manage day-to-day business operations such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations. Our Ginee ERP system Malaysia helps merchants to save their time, cost and energy. This feature helps business managers to complete their task within their timeframe.
Do You Want to Manage Multiple Marketplace Just by Single Person?
Of course you can! You can handle multiple stores from all marketplace just by single dashboard. Cut your Business’s cost, and Boost your Efficiency at the same time.
What Features Does Ginee Malaysia Have?
Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia provides multiple features such as Product Management, Order Management, Inventory Management, Customer Management, Warehouse Management and Management Analysis. These features can help sellers to manage their multiple online platforms in one place called Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia.
Let’s discuss further about the Ginee features and omnichannel benefits.
Product Management
It’s exhausting and time-consuming to upload items one by one, marketplace after marketplace. Ginee Malaysia provides solutions by uploading all your products to all marketplaces at once under product management. With a few clicks, you may add your items from Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia to an online platform or marketplaces.
Price Management
Under product management, Ginee Malaysia has an additional feature called price management. This feature helps merchants to set their promotion prices for their multiple online platforms. Sellers can edit the prices by percentage or add and reduce by amount. You can customize your price in each marketplace to maximise profit, and sell online in your own style.
Your Selling Stock is Messing Up? You Need Help!
Ginee Omnichannel allow you to automatically sync every stock from all of your online stores. It’s faster way to helps you profit!
Order Management
Ginee Malaysia also has this feature called order management. This feature helps merchants to process their orders and check their pending order details. This feature records orders information such as order number, Product name, quantity of purchase, purchased price, buyer details, courier details, print status, store name, time and last sync. Nevertheless, merchants also are able to print their customers airway bills, packing list, picking list and invoices from Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia.
In Ginee Malaysia, there is an order setting column for merchants to customize their valid information. Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia has Export template, Shipping setting, Lazada Invoice setting and commission setting. These settings will help the merchants to process their order quickly and smoothly. All the orders placed by clients through online platforms will display in the order tab of merchants Ginee Dashboard. As a result, processing their orders will be easier for merchants.
Inventory Management
This inventory management or stock management feature helps merchants to manage their stocks details. In this feature, merchants can set their total warehouse stocks, spare stocks, average purchase price and total available stocks. Merchants have to set their accurate stock details so that the information will be published on their online stores.
This Ginee malaysia inventory features help merchants to manage their stocks information by editing the stocks and also can update the spare stocks to reserve some stocks for replacement or resend items. To avoid overselling and underselling in the online platforms, merchants can double-check their inventory data and stock count at Ginee Malaysia.
Warehouse Management
The warehouse management feature suitable for those who have multiple warehouses in different districts or states, Ginee Malaysia launched a unique feature for you. Now, you can manage your warehouse inventory by enabling warehouse management features in Ginee Omnichannel. This feature helps you to manage your warehouse’s details from beginning to the end. You can add up to 100 warehouse locations on the Ginee Malaysia website.
Enjoy Reading Our Article and Want to Know More About Ginee?
Are you an online seller that has lots of stores from multiple marketplace like Shopee and Lazada?
Well, you’re in luck because Ginee can help you boost your business’s efficiency and profits!
Under warehouse Management, there are sub-features such as Product Location Management, Warehouse stock details, Store shipping warehouse settings, inbound management and outbound Management. These features help merchants to operate and manage their multiple warehouse details by using Ginee Malaysia.
The important note for merchants is only one standard warehouse that cannot be deactivated may be available to an account. If the warehouse code is not put in, the stock data is entered in the default warehouse when conducting Mass Edit Stock.
Customer Management
This customer management feature helps merchants to study their customer purchasing flow, get to know their customer’s details and analyze their customer’s purchasing product information. This feature helps the merchants to connect with their customers easily and encourage them to purchase more from their online platforms or marketplaces.
Management Analysis
This is the important feature to analyze your sales performance and view your monthly income statement. Under management analysis, Ginee Malaysia has segregated reports into four stages such as sales report, Customer statistic, Inventory Statistic and Logistic statistic. Merchants can view their weekly, monthly or yearly income statement at the sales report column. This statement will calculate how much merchants have earned after minusing their expenses.
You can view the statement according to the channel, stores and date. The Income Statement only counts delivered orders and supports filters by time maximum 1 year.
How To Increase Business Efficiency By Using Ginee Omnichannel?
Ginee Malaysia helps to put in one location all of your orders, inventories and performance to simplify back office business. Ginee benefits merchants to handle more orders quickly, choose, pick and ship, minimise mistakes and save time with comprehensive inventory management and real-time updates throughout your sales channels.
Why Wait More, When Ginee Malaysia Is A One Stop Solution For You!
List your products from Ginee Malaysia with a few clicks on your online marketplaces or platforms. Ginee Malaysia allows you to save time when uploading and listing items. You simply need to upload and sync your items to marketplaces once in Ginee Omnichannel.
Check out how Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia can assist you with multichannel eCommerce platforms. By just subscribing to Ginee Omnichannel Malaysia, you may use all of the Ginee features for FREE and start growing your online business.
Upload Products to Shopee and Lazada Automatically! How?
Ginee product management allow you upload products to all of your online stores from all marketplace just once! Save time, save cost, save energy, join Ginee Now!